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Loyalty Programme

We want to reward you for being such a loyal customer of JLR London so as a thank you we'd like to give something back. The more you spend, the more you save!
Once you register with us, you can earn points which are redeemable at the time of purchase against the cost of your order!
As an initial thank you, you get 10 points just for creating an account with us! After that you receive 1 point for every £1 you spend! Your points add up to certain rewards and the more points you collect the more you can save!
  • 300 points - £10 voucher
  • 900 points - £30 voucher
  • 1500 points - £50 voucher


  1. SIGN UP with a customer account and receive an initial 10 points!
  2. LOG IN and shop the website! You will receive 1 point per weekly visit to our site (so make sure you check out our New In every Monday to earn your points!) Your points will be added automatically. In your account section you will see your points total!
  3. When you have earned 300 points, go to your account and redeem your reward (or continue saving points for a larger reward!).
  4. Enter your reward code in the COUPON CODE section at the checkout


Get £10 off your next order when two friends purchase.
Plus your friend will get 10% off their first online order!
LOG IN to your account
  1. Navigate to the earn points tab and click on 'Refer a Friend' 
  2. Share your unique link with your friends and family. 
  3. Each time 2 friends purchase with your link, earn £10 to spend at JLR London

Start claiming your loyalty points here

PLEASE NOTE: Reward points may be capped at a minimum value required for redemption. If this option is selected you will not be able to use your reward points until you accrue a minimum number of points, at which point they will become available for redemption. Reward points may also be capped at the maximum value of points which can be accrued. If this option is selected you will need to redeem your accrued points before you are able to earn more points. Reward points will be approved after our returns period expires (14 days) and until then will be shown as “pending”. Reward points can be set to expire. Points will expire in the order form which they were first earned.
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